Huda F Are You?

Huda F Are You?
  1. Who created this message? This graphic novel was written by Huda Fahmy, a Muslim-American woman who grew up in the midwest. While the book isn't an autobiography, it draws on many of her personal experiences growing up.
  2. What creative techniques are used to attract my attention? Huda is an author/illustrator and does a great job depicting emotion through her drawings. She varies the size of the picture to match the impact - so the larger the image, the more the reader focuses on the message she is conveying.

3. How might different people interpret this message differently than me? I think this book is so raw and vulnerable (it is about Huda and finding her identity amongst the various cultural, religious and racial pressures) that it allows for all viewers to feel empathy as she is so expressive in her feelings. It also highlights internalized self-hate, which I believe is something that many can relate or connect to across all races and genders.

4. What viewpoints or world views are included or left out of this message? The main viewpoint is of Huda and how she is trying to figure out who she is while she is simultaneously processing racial and ethnic bias, discrimination and a lot of pressure from her family and religion. The author includes the various "versions" of hijab wearers that Huda sees but doesn't feel she belongs to. Also show are the people, including adults, who are discriminatory.

5. Why is this message being sent? I believe this book was written to help other Muslim girls feel seen as well as teach others about the lived experience of someone different.