Reading responses

  1. I notice I’m not even remotely surprised at these findings. Be it women, or Jewish people, somebody somewhere is marginlizing somebody by what they're searching. Besides Google, when you look around at ads along the highway, or in a magazine, or anywhere, you see the same themes repeating. Women are sexualized at intersecting levels. BIPOC women are portrayed differently than white women, and those in power who have the autonomy to change the portrayal of stereotypes through media, don’t, because there are people who find comfort and enjoyment in stereotypes.

2. I wonder if there is any equity and diversity training when it comes to learning how to program SEO for Google. I’d like to see what Google stands behind in an actionable way because I don’t believe that we can put a person on the moon, but can’t figure out how to not sexualize and degrade women through a search engine. Just as simply as the algorithm pulls porn and degrading articles, can’t we adjust the program?

3. This impacts the work I do in my professional life because when students are asked to go online and do research for their home learning, the fear of what would come up when they’re trying to educate themselves on an identity they may resonate with.