Nissan "Leave Basic Behind"

2023 Rogue- Birthday

Who created this message?

The company that created this commercial is Nissan.

What creative techniques are used to attract my attention?

The commercial uses the technique of comparing their given product to what they equate to "boring". They use lots of color to sell their product while stating that without it you experience a less interesting life. The commercial shows a few glimpses of the Rogue holding a "nuclear" family; however the focus of the comercial is only briefly on the car.

How might different people interpret this message differently than me?

Someone who does not prefer nissan may not even pay attention to this commerecial, but for me the commercial catches my eye, because I just purchased one. Their is not a lot about this commercial that I see being contreversial, but sometimes I tune things out that others see.

What viewpoints or world views are included or left out of this message?

I noticed immediatly that the family in the commercial shows a nuclear family, mom, dad, sister, and brother. This meets the world view that many people who shop for an SUV come from families, and that a "normal" family contains the above roles. The message sent is that the new Rogue offers features that are great for drivers. Additionally, the Rogue is referred to as a family car.

Why is this message being sent?

This message is being sent in hopes of increased interest and sales of the Nissan company's SUV the Nissan Rogue 2023.