Father-Friendly Tide

Who created this message? This message was created by Proctor and Gamble who owns and produces both Tide Laundry Detergent and Downy Fabric Softener.  
What creative techniques are used to attract my attention? The commercial starts with an intimate conversation with a dad talking to us about his daughter’s favorite outfit.  Through flashbacks, we see his method of cleaning it and making it “smell fresh” and still keeping her happy while she is not wearing it.  
I appreciated this commercial after seeing it on the television for several reasons. My brother raised his two girls as a single parent and it was refreshing for me to see a dad represented as putting thought and care into his daughter’s laundry needs.   Also, I could relate to having a daughter who loved wearing her princess dresses while climbing trees and doing her rough and tumble play.

What viewpoints or world views are included or left out of this message and how might different people interpret this message differently than me?  Others’ view of this commercial will differ from my own.  I recognize the gender stereotype of girls always wanting to be princesses and playing tea.  Also, the commercial portrays a white, middle class, suburban family which fails to include people of color or different socioeconomic statuses and lifestyles.  These factors could cause others to look at the commercial with less nostalgia and take away from the message of the positive portrayal of a dad working hard on his daughter’s laundry.

Why is this message being sent?  Tide is trying to send a message that dads can do laundry too, both to grab the attention of working moms and dads who might be taking on more household chores for various reasons.  

It is interesting that I found this commercial posted on a YouTube channel by DonaldTenn whose description says, “DADDY, Activist and Advocate for our children's rights, human rights, animal rights and a better planet for all.”  He titled the post “FATHER FRIENDLY Commercial Tide laundry detergent” and commented, “Thank You Tide! For your father-friendly commercial. I will NEVER use another laundry detergent ever... EVEN IF IT'S FREE”.  In looking further at his posts, I found many on fighting for the rights of fathers in court proceedings, something I know was unbalanced in my brother’s experience.