Cap'n Crunch Treasure

Vince Bolton Deconstruction Blog Week 2

Treasure Hunt

Who created this message?

Cap'n Crunch was created by, what is now, PepsiCo (since 2001). Back when this commercial was produced, it was the Quaker Oats Company.

What creative techniques are used to attract my attention?

In this ad, they used bright colors (like golds) and catchy phrases like, "you can do what you want with the, buy something special, or feed your family...". Also, they had the kid saying "wow" and it just makes it look possible and fun.

How might different people interpret this message differently than me?

People could see this as an advertising ploy exploiting kids.

What viewpoints or world views are included or left out of this message?

They do include at the end that chances are winning are 1 in 56000 but the odds were very low that the box of cereal with this "treasure" would end up in our small town and we would be the ones that would buy that box.

Why is this message being sent?

Buy more cereal. Kids are already enjoying cereal in the mornings so buy Cap'n Crunch. It tastes good and ou could win $1000.