Bath & Body Works Email Ad

Candles, Anyone?

The advertising team at Bath & Body Works created this email ad.  This is a common form of advertising for the company and many other sales companies.  They send emails many times a week as a way of drawing your attention to their products.  I received 3 emails about this candle sale on Sunday alone!

The ad is made up of lots of bright colors, different sized words, moving photos and a discount offer to attract attention.  They also use all capital letter words such as “FREE SHIPPING”, “TODAY ONLY!”, “ENDS TODAY” and “REWARDS”.  The overall picture creates a warm and fuzzy type vibe.

This ad seems fairly neutral and I don't see there being a lot of controversial opinions on it, however people of different economic statuses may interpret it differently.  Those who are wealthy may not wish to purchase discount items and those who struggle may be sad to see items they can’t afford.  Also, firefighters and insurance agents may not appreciate a push for candle sales since they can cause havoc for their lines of work.

This ad assumes that the viewer has a home to bring the candle into and that they have excess money to purchase non-essential items.  They are also assuming that the viewer either lives close enough to a Bath & Body Works store or has the availability of purchasing their products online.  The ad is suggesting that candles will bring happiness and also that candles are “good things”.

This message is trying to sell Bath & Body Works’ products.  They are sending it out to those who have either purchased from their company before or who signed up to be on the email list in hopes that their marketing will entice the viewer into purchasing something from them.